ABORTION RIGHTS 1992-1994: The Battle Over Planned Parenthood v. Casey
Pro-choice/Pro-life. Pro-choice/Anti-choice. Pro-Reproductive Rights/Anti-Abortion.
Groups of tweens and teens in matching t-shirts with slogans like “Captain Chastity” “I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST”, “INTOLERANCE IS A Beautiful Thing”, carrying signs saying ABORTION KILLS CHILDREN, plastic fetuses that look like the symbolic babies Jesus you find in King Cakes, graphic and sometimes well designed posters with American flags and dead babies.
Since I began photographing the abortion rights movement in the early 90’s, the language of abortion has changed. How the abortion and reproductive rights language has been framed is relevant, as is the visual language of the movement. While modes for the dissemination of images have changed due to technology and cultural shifts, the visual language of the abortion rights movement has remained fairly consistent.
With the overturning of Roe and Casey, these photographs provide a nuanced view of the battle to maintain abortion rights in the United States.

Pro-choice activist confronts Operation Rescue at the annual March for Life, as it passes in front of the US Supreme Court building. Washington DC., January 22, 1992.

Pro-choice activists and Operation Rescue at the annual March for Life, Washington DC., January 22, 1992.

Operation Rescue at the annual March for Life, Washington DC., January 22, 1992.

Founder of Operation Rescue Randall Terry at the annual March for Life, Washington DC., January 22, 1992.

Church Ladies for Choice in front of The White House during the March for Life, Washington, D.C., January 22, 1992.

Church Ladies for Choice in front of The White House during the March for Life, Washington, D.C., January 22, 1992.

Anti-abortion activists during the fight against Planned Parenthood v. Casey, New York, 1992.

Operation Rescue's "Chain of Life" march, New York, 1992.

Operation Rescue's "Chain of Life" march, New York, 1992.

Operation Rescue, Eastern Women’s Center, New York City, 1992.

Operation Rescue, Eastern Women’s Center, New York City, 1992.

Operation Rescue, Eastern Women’s Center, New York City, 1992.

Operation Rescue, Eastern Women’s Center, New York City, 1992.

Clinic Defense Training, New York City, 1992.

Clinic Defense Training, New York City, 1992.

Clinic Defense Training, New York City, 1992.

Clinic Defense Training, New York City, 1992.

Louise Luck(center), wife of abortion provider, Dr. Bernard Luck, looks on as members of Operation Rescue protest at her home, Monroe County, New York, 1992.

Operation Rescue protest at the home of abortion provider, Dr. Bernard Luck, Monroe County, New York, 1992.

Operation Rescue protest at the home of abortion provider, Dr. Bernard Luck, Monroe County, New York, 1992.

Pro-choice activists during the fight against Planned Parenthood v. Casey, New York, 1992.

Pro-choice activists during the fight against Planned Parenthood v. Casey, New York, 1992.

Pro-choice activist during the fight against Planned Parenthood v. Casey, New York, 1992.

Pro-choice activist during the fight against Planned Parenthood v. Casey, New York, 1992.

Pro-choice activists during the fight against Planned Parenthood v. Casey, New York, 1992.
Students for Choice shout down Nat Hentoff and Pennsylvania Governor Robert Casey, Cooper Union, New York City, October 2, 1992.
In October of 1992, after being denied a platform at the Democratic National Convention, Cooper Union and the Village Voice invited Gov. Robert Casey, the Democrat governor of Pennsylvania, to present his pro-life position. The question Gov. Casey was invited to address, "Can a liberal be pro-life?".
In the Great Hall, where Abraham Lincoln once spoke, activists from ACT UP, WHAM! and Students for Choice filled the room with their voices. Neither Nat Hentoff, columnist for the Voice who introduced Casey, nor Casey was allowed to speak by the protesting audience.

Students for Choice, Cooper Union, New York City, October 2, 1992.

Students for Choice, Cooper Union, New York City, October 2, 1992.

Students for Choice, Cooper Union, New York City, October 2, 1992.

Pennsylvania Gov. Robert Casey enters Cooper Union as Students for Choice protest his arrival, New York City, October 2, 1992.

Nat Hentoff, Village Voice columnist and the event moderator, introduces Governor Robert Casey, Cooper Union, New York City.

Protesters turn their backs on moderator, Nat Hentoff and Pennsylvania Gov. Robert Casey, Cooper Union, New York City, October 2, 1992.

Protesters shout down moderator Nat Hentoff and Pennsylvania Gov. Robert Casey, Cooper Union, New York City, October 2, 1992.
Block the Holland Tunnel, New York City, July 2, 1992
Reproductive rights activists, including members of WHAM! and ACT UP, blocked the Holland Tunnel in support of abortion rights. These groups were awaiting the Supreme Court decision on Casey v. Planned Parenthood, which, once decided, affirmed Roe v. Wade while permitting states to impose additional regulations on abortion rights.

Candlelight vigil for Dr. David Gunn, March 11, 1993
Dr. David Gunn was shot and killed by an anti abortion protester after he got out of his car at the Pensacola Women's Medical Services clinic on March 10, 1993.

Operation Rescue, “Cities of Refuge”, Philadelphia, July, 1993
“Cities of Refuge” was a round of protests planned for seven cities across the United States. These protests were a crucial test of Operation Rescue’s potency, which had been threatened by the election of a pro-abortion rights President, the 1992 U.S. Supreme Court decision upholding basic abortion rights and the March killing of Dr. David Gunn in Pensacola, Fla., by an anti-abortion activist.
Abortion rights activists responded to the campaign with thousands of trained “clinic defenders”.

Clergy from Operation Rescue gather to blockade a women’s clinic, Philadelphia, July, 1993.

Operation Rescue gather to blockade a women’s clinic, Philadelphia, July, 1993.

Members of Operation Rescue gather at a church before a women’s clinic blockade, Philadelphia, July, 1993.

Members of Operation Rescue gather to blockade a women’s clinic, Philadelphia, July, 1993.

Members of Operation Rescue gather to blockade a women’s clinic, Philadelphia, July, 1993.

Members of Operation Rescue in prayer across from a women’s clinic, Philadelphia, July, 1993.

Members of Operation Rescue gather for a women’s clinic blockade, Philadelphia, July, 1993.

Operation Rescue gather for a women’s clinic blockade, Philadelphia, July, 1993.

Operation Rescue march before a women’s clinic blockade, Philadelphia, July, 1993.

Operation Rescue march before a women’s clinic blockade, Philadelphia, July, 1993.

Women’s clinic defenders, Philadelphia, July, 1993.

Women’s clinic defender, Philadelphia, July, 1993.