Cultural Figures


Robert Frank and Lee Friedlander, Washington, D.C., 2009.

Fred Wiseman, Documentarian

Frederick Wiseman, Documentarian.

June at Tim Horton's

June Leaf, Artist.

Salman Rushdie, Author.


Allen Ginsberg, Poet.

Photograph by Meg Handler

Jules Feiffer, Cartoonist.

Nat Hentoff

Nat Hentoff, Columnist.


Guy Trebay, Culture Critic.

Photograph by Meg Handler

Barney Rosset, Publisher.

Esteban Vicente, Painter.Photograph by Meg Handler

Esteban Vicente, Painter.

Photograph by Meg Handler

Charlie Finch, Art Critic.


Minnie Bruce Pratt and Leslie Feinberg, Writers, LGBTQ Activists.

Photograph by Meg Handler

John Turturro, Actor.


John Turturro and Tony Shalhoub, rehearsal for "Waiting for Godot".

Lucina Williams

Lucina Williams, Musician.


Rick Perlstein, Historian.

Jonathan Safran Foer

Jonathan Safran Foer, Author.

Nancy Burson_3699 copy

Nancy Burson, Artist.

Chris Ware_5907 copy

Chris Ware, Cartoonist.